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curve BlogOverdrive is a web based service that will automatically add content to your blog from any RSS feed.
Most webmasters use it for SEO or Blog Marketing.
tick Add Links to RSS Feed Posts

Do you want to add links to RSS feed posts, but having some problems creating RSS feeds that has links? Actually the problem lies with the fact that, normally, RSS items may have only one link, and this link is the one that’s a part of the title of the item in the feed.


You can try creating an RSS feed from a web page that does not link via the tile, but on a different element, your RSS feed will not retain such linkage. In order to add links to RSS feed posts, you have to make sure that you are able to save the required elements containing the links.

Use RSS and Content in Building Links 

Depending on how you strategize your traffic development it is very possible to exceed traffic from Yahoo, Google and MSN combined using high traffic funneling methods and strategies such as links that propagate exposure via RSS Feeds and content articles. 

If you are someone who churns out excellent quality content, this alone is enough in helping build links to your blog or site or blog with the use of RSS feeds.  This is because people, especially online readers, are in search of blogging material on a day to day basis in order to; 

1. Integrate onto the bloggers and webmasters’ own sites, which can be done via RSS or links – webmasters very well realize the significance of new content and are regularly checking on some article directories, especially those that provide RSS feeds and related article.


2. Reporting – this is done by professional editors as well as influential site owner and bloggers. Fresh content makes the web go round, and so those blog owners who wanted to capitalize on being one of the first people to scoop the latest news here and all around the world. Such blogs can become lucky recipients of on being first to scoop and help in the creation of backlinks. And as a leader, you can also become excited with the social media traffic rush from authority and trusted sites lick Digg, Blinklink, Stumble upon and Sphinn.


When you do not have ample time to write, this sure-fire procedure of utilizing RSS to supplement content and link building will allow you to keep your web pages looking as fresh as you first came here in the early morning. With the automated software to help you with your link building, the links to be found on the blog will make your web pages looking really fresh and interesting. 

Do you want to generate backlinks from your RSS feed posts so you can better popularize your blog and drive more traffic to it? can help you with that. It will not only allow you to generate backlink for your URL but it will also allow you to use unlimited keywords so you can better rank on search engines.

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[CaRP] XML error: Undeclared entity error at line 8 - This appears to be an HTML webpage, not a feed.

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